Saturday 6 June 2015

Lady Macbeth versus Macbeth

Lady Macbeth versus Macbeth, this dynamic duo has been through a lot throughout this play. From Lady Macbeth pressuring her husband to kill the king to the couple dying. This relationship did indeed keep me very interested from the beginning to the end. Lady Macbeth was the rock in the marriage she recognizes all her dreams and desires and tries to fulfill this by putting herself on the line. She knew he had a dream of becoming king but she knew he would back out like a coward. That is why Lady Macbeth felt pressured to take over the husband role and push him into expressing his 'evil nature' in order to get something done. However, Macbeth, on the other hand, never wore the pants in the relationship, he was the cowardly one. He put up a brave front on his exterior, however deep down feels very vulnerable. He was never convinced to be a part of the murders completely, but he went along with them anyway because his wife pushed him to achieve his goals even though they were evil. However, the main issue that should be understood here, is that Macbeth was never completely sure of his actions. Not putting blame on anyone, but Lady Macbeth and Macbeth out their relationship in danger when they started to commit these crimes. Even after the death of Duncan, Macbeth was not fully satisfied with his actions. His conscience continued to haunt him. Eventually the relationship between the two crumbles into nothing and them both felt numb, lonely and very guilty of their actions. 

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